Sunday, October 22, 2006

stopping the war

to stop the war we must realize:

that our war started long ago
that war is integrated into every aspect of our lives
that we must change

'to be the change we want to see'


MOST IMPORTANT: know where your money goes and be the steward of your money.

governments who use your tax dollars to fund the war no longer need your support. just as you can consciously object to service in the armed forces, you can consciously object to the use of your tax dollars for the armed forces. write your letter to the irs and donate your money to a non-profit peace organization.

industries and corporations that profit off war no longer need your support. research how many companies are intertwined with the war economy ... NBC is GE ... GE is one of the largest military suppliers in our nation.

manufacturers and stores that produce and sell toys, games, weapons and other tools of violence training no longer need your support. toys-r-us is the number one seller of video games that have real-life battles of war and on the streets with killing as its goal. its intention to teach the player to kill better, faster and more accurately ... and their target market is boys under the age of 15.

VOTE and remind everyone you know to VOTE! control who speaks for you and your community.


everyone you meet on the street, your grocery store line, the bus stop is your neighbor and they NEED to know how you feel and what you think about the war. there needs to be dialogue amonst americans what "america" means and what it stands for ... and ... what it does not. others need your advice and counsel if you believe that violence whether in the home, on the street or dropped from bombs on the other side of the planet is wrong.

to stop a war is to connect with every human being you possibly can and let them know that YOU want peace and the violence to stop, and that you are their neighbor. it is becoming aWARe, informed and active ... if the nail finally hurts, its time to move.

peace & harmony,
'freedom must be exercised to stay in shape!'

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Everybody knows the captain lied

After reading the below article, the only question I have is: How do we stop a war?

Iraqi Death Rate May Top Our Civil War -- But Will the Press Confirm It?

The press, after its initial coverage, has turned away from the shocking Johns Hopkins study which estimated 400,000 to 800,000 deaths in the Iraq war since 2003. One of the authors of the study has issued a challenge: Check out their findings in the field -- and then confirm or debunk it.

By Greg Mitchell

(October 16, 2006) -- With mass killings occurring every day in Iraq, and Americans falling at one of the highest daily rates of the entire war, it’s no wonder that support for the conflict in the U.S. continues to slip. What the American press, public and political figures have yet to grasp or acknowledge, however, is the true human catastrophe in Iraq, a 21st century holocaust, if I may put it that way. This inconvenient truth -- suggested, if not proven, by the Johns Hopkins study released last week -- seems to be too horrible for many to face, considering the mild or negative reaction to the report in the days following the broad attention it did receive at first.

Would it surprise you to learn that if the Johns Hopkins estimates of 400,000 to 800,000 deaths are correct -- and many experts in the survey field seem to suggest they probably are -- that the supposedly not-yet-civil-war in Iraq has already cost more lives, per capita, than our own Civil War (one in 40 of all Iraqis alive in 2003)? And that these losses are comparable to what some European nations suffered in World War II? You'd never know it from mainstream press coverage in the U.S.

"Everybody knows the boat is leaking, everybody knows the captain lied," Leonard Cohen once sang. The question the new study raises: How many will go down with the ship, and will the press finally hold the captain fully accountable?

Read the complete article here.