Monday, November 16, 2015

Lets Stop The Conflict in Syria

OK, so even if the big think tank in Washington DC got all those war mongering thinking people together, they need to include another voice -- the one without violence as the means to end conflict.

When everyone at the table has violence as the main ingredient to success, you are in a discussion amongst bullies, actually.  To create policy with violence as its methods leaves our consciousness at the age of the cave men and we are better thinkers than this by 2015, aren't we?  Just thoughts.  Be inclusive in your discussions -- even those of us with non-violent mindsets have thoughts how to stop wars without anymore violence at all.

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Saturday, November 14, 2015

Finding Truth

Finding truth brings a spotlight when the time is right.

Know that if the shadows linger it's because you are more curious in the dark, enjoy it.

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